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A decade of working within not for profits and as a independent artist have taught me a thing or two about grant writing.
I gladly take on contracts to write for other organizations, accept as payment a percentage of granted funds or hourly rate.
I have a 4/5 batting average for successful grants.
I require a delegate from the board or staff be able to commit to working on project's development and deliverables.
I believe that a well written grant should be the blue print for the project and provide a session to to go over the proposed work with the staff hired to execute. I will also work as a project manager and build my fee into the cost of the grant.
You can see samples of grants & proposals I've worked on below.
BSTC Project Grant BSTC Operating Grant RCSS Project Grant
Birch Cove Blue Mountain Trail Plan Seawall Proposal Parks Canada Proposal

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